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Home: About Us

I'm so glad you're here!  I'm Jill, and I’m a play and parenting coach, early childhood educator, play expert, and a mom. I empower overwhelmed  parents & caretakers to connect & engage with their little ones through simple developmental play prompts and make parenting feel more joyful and manageable.


For years, play and working with families have been my passion. I’ve seen how important play is for children. It’s how they learn best & make sense of the world around them. I believe it is our best tool to support their growth. I love setting up exploration and activities for children and watching them come alive in amazing and unique ways. I love helping families create an environment and culture that sees children as capable from their earliest days, that values creativity, playfulness, bonding, and connection.


When I had my daughter, everything I was passionate about from my teaching days took on a whole new importance in our lives. As a parent, I began to understand more than ever how difficult getting through the day can be. You need simple play ideas that are easy to set up and ideally work towards supporting all the exciting development happening in your child’s early years. You need to make the most of materials you have around you. You need stretches of independent play to give you some time to yourself and to get things done.


Parenting can be an incredibly hard and lonely journey. But it doesn’t need to feel that way. I recognize how much support & community matters. This is what Jillybeans is all about! I’ve created this space for parents and caretakers everywhere. 


If you have any questions about brand collaborations, please email me at

Home: Play Consultations

Ready to go from feeling overwhelmed to becoming the parent you always imagined yourself to be?

In just three months I can bring to you the parenting strategies and approaches that will work specifically for you and your child so you can finally have the peaceful and playful home you always dreamed of.

I know parenting can be a struggle.


You wish you could…

  • Simply cherish these precious, fleeting years of early childhood but instead are finding yourself wondering … “What am I supposed to do with this kid all day?” 

  • See your child experience less screen time but, dang it, it’s the only way you can get anything done these days or get a little break. 

  • Not feel so inundated with clutter and toys that don't get played with and just end up being an eyesore of a mess and yet another thing on your neverending list of things to get rid of.

  • Understand how to manage your child’s behavior because it’s starting to affect your own and it’s not pretty.



In a nutshell, you’re frustrated because what you’re doing is not sustainable and you just want to feel like yourself again.


And I can help you with that. 

I’m here to help you create a calm, joyful, and connected environment at home, feel less burnt out and do so in a way that’s simple, fun and totally doable.

Even if…


  • You’ve tried everything Google has suggested that seems to work for other people but not for your family.

  • You’re currently feeling exhausted and your nervous system is stretched thin.

  • You’ve tried to address these things before but it didn’t work.

  • You are working a full time job on top of being a full time parent and it feels there’s no time left to dive deeper into this.

You’re ready to work with someone who can support you in all the aspects of your parenting journey and help you feel empowered to become the parent you’ve always wanted to be.

Together we can…

  • Create a dream haven for both you and your child

  • Spend less time scrolling for ideas and strategies and spend more time connecting. I’ll teach you how to create simple, engaging, meaningful play experiences your child will WANT to explore while you become more joyful, present, and confident as a parent.

  • Get creative with what you’ve got: We’ll come up with a plan to use everyday items you already have around the house so you’re not always purchasing new toys.

  • Help you become your own parenting expert: You’ll become intimate with the foundational developmental concepts about behavior in the early years: why it happens and how you can support it.

 Introducing my

Three Month Private Coaching Package

It’s not a one-off consultation or another parenting course to take. This is having my parenting and play expertise in your back pocket for 12 weeks straight, supporting you every step of the way as we walk together through the trenches of parenting  and troubleshooting as things come up.

Your investment: $997


Here’s what’s included:


  • Comprehensive + customized play plans for your child

  • 6 biweekly 1 hour Zoom calls for private coaching and ongoing strategizing as new behaviors, or other challenges, come up

  • 12 weeks of Voxer support (a walkie talkie app on your phone to call me when meltdowns happen - yours or your kids) so you can have my support when you need it

Hey there, I’m Jill.

As a play expert and early childhood educator, play is my passion and an integral part of my coaching process, but it is just one element of working with me.

Because the truth is, every child is unique and every stage of childhood is

different. With 15 years of experience working with young children and their

families, combined with studying the RIE and Reggio-Emilia philosophies,

I bring an informed knowledge and perspective to support you on your

parenting journey. As an early childhood educator, teaching preschool and

play classes for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, I learned quickly that

when we truly see a child for who they are and respect their individual journey,

we give them the space to grow into the person they are meant to be.

Because of that, my approach to working with children could not be one size fits

all.  With an environment built on playfulness, empathy, creativity, respect &

connection, I’ve watched amazing things happen.   

And I want the same for you.


And working together one on one is the most magical way to make this happen. Let’s do this.


Ready to work together one on one and be the parent you want to be? The first step is to…

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